STANDARD 5: Impact on Student Learning

Standard 5
Impact on Student Learning

Element 5.2: Use appropriate assessments to evaluate student learning before, during, and after instruction.

Artifact: Evaluation of the Lesson and Impact on Student Learning for EDU 355 Curriculum Project

Date: Spring 2010

Reflection: I created this evaluation of the lesson in EDU 355 Physical Education Curriculum: Planning and Practice in the Spring of 2010. This document is intended to measure the impact on student learning in all three domains as a result of my lesson focusing on the overhand throw. I utilized a pre-assessment before the lesson and post-assessment after the lesson to gather and compare the data. This artifact satisfies Standard 5, Element 5.2 because it is evidence of us using appropriate assessments to evaluate student learning before, during, and after instruction. We conducted a pre-assessment, gathered data for all three assessments. We then conducted the lesson in order to attempt to improve scores. We then conducted the post-assessment to measure any changes in performance and evaluate why and how these changes occurred. This artifact has been infinitely important to my development as a teacher because the process of pre-assessment, instruction, and post-assessment is the driving force behind identifying teaching methods and strategies that help your students learn most effectively. Being able to look at the data you collected from the same students before and after a lesson you conducted, and see the change that occurred is extremely rewarding and helpful as a teacher. If the students displayed improvement, you know that your teaching methods were effective and you should continue to use them. If the students stayed the same or regressed, then you know that some other teaching strategies and methods are necessary to help your students learn to their full potential.

Standard 5
Impact on Student Learning

Element 5.1: Select or create appropriate assessments that will measure student achievement of goals and objectives.

Artifact: Teacher Work Sample Presentation

Date: Fall 2010

Reflection: I created this presentation for my Teacher Work Sample in PED 434 Statistics and Assessment in Physical Education. This presentation was intended to be a visual representation of a hypothetical unit we would have conducted, but instead just conducted the pre-assessment and post-assessment. The presentation includes unit goals, unit assessments, discussion regarding the reliability, validity, objectivity, and practicality of assessments, changes in student performance, and more supplemental information. This artifact satisfies Standard 5, Element 5.1, because this presentation displays our selection of the widely respected President’s Challenge as our assessment in the psychomotor domain, and visuals of our self-created cognitive and affective domain assessments. We knew that for our unit, the President’s Challenge would be a perfect assessment tool, and then created our own cognitive and affect assessment tools to fit our unit goals. This artifact has been vital to my development as a teacher because it is extremely important that teachers are able to either select or create assessments that will fit into their units and be conducive to the unit goals and objectives. Assessment is the driving force behind teaching, but it all begins with using proper assessment tools. If you are using an assessment tool that has little relevance to your unit itself or has major reliability, validity, objectivity, or practicality issues, you are robbing your students of proper assessments that you could reflect upon and adjust your teaching accordingly to help your students learn.