STANDARD 2: Skill and Fitness Based Competence

Standard 2
Skill and Fitness Based Competence

Element 2.2: Achieve and maintain a health-enhancing level of fitness throughout the program.

Artifact: Personal FitnessGram Assessment Results (Pre-Assessment Fall 2007, Post-Assessment Fall 2010)

Date: Fall 2007 and Fall 2010

Reflection: I completed the FitnessGram assessment in PED 182 Health Related Physical Fitness, and then again in the Fall 2010 semester to measure how my level of fitness changed throughout my time in this program. This chart depicts the results of both assessments, which were conducted three years apart, and includes my scores and if I fell into the healthy fitness zone. This artifact satisfies Standard 2, Element 2.2 because these FitnessGram results show that I have always been within the Healthy Fitness Zone for all exercises in the FitnessGram since I first did it in 2007 to now, in Fall 2010. That means that I have achieved and maintained a health-enhancing level of fitness throughout my time in the program. Not only have I maintained within the Healthy Fitness Zone, but I have drastically improved on a few of these tests since 2007, which is a testament to my constant need to improve and continue to become a more fit and healthy individual. This artifact is important to my development as a teacher because as a physical educator, it is important that I am a role model for a fit and healthy person. It is imperative that physical educators “practice what they preach” and maintain their fitness levels so that they don’t lose credibility with their students. Finally, being a beneficiary of a healthy lifestyle, I can stress to my students the almost never-ending benefits of an active lifestyle and fitness training. If I was not a proper role model of a fit person and hadn’t experienced the benefits of physical fitness myself, it would be extremely difficult to convince my students to practice active, healthy lifestyles.

Standard 2
Skill and Fitness Based Competence

Element 2.1: Demonstrate personal competence in motor skill performance for a variety of physical activities and movement patterns.

Artifact: Personal Physical Activity Log

Date: Fall 2010

Reflection: I filled out and reflected on this personal physical activity log so that I could get a better handle on how much physical activity I do and reflect upon why I do that amount. It was a great way to really tally up the physical activities you take part in and gain more insight into your love for activity. This artifact satisfies Standard 2, Element 2.1, because it is my personal log and reflection of the various physical activities I take part in and have reached a level of proficiency or competence in. This log shows my level of activity, what the activities are, as well as my level of inactivity, and what I am doing while inactive. This artifact has been important to my development as a teacher because I am a strong believer that it is important for a physical educator to be reflective about their own life so that they can continually improve themselves and, subsequently, their students. If I am able to rationally reflect upon my own physical activity and inactivity, I can then help guide my students by giving them ideas of simple, fun, and effective ways to get more active. I can also understand that students don’t necessarily have the time to dedicate hours to working out every day, so I can help them by supplying them with quick and effective ways to become active and maintain a health-enhancing level of physical activity.