STANDARD 1: Scientific and Theoretical Knowledge

Standard 1
Scientific and Theoretical Knowledge

Element 1.1: Describe and apply physiological and biomechanical concepts related to skillful movement, physical activity and fitness.

Artifact: Biomechanical Literature Review

Date: Fall 2009
I wrote this biomechanical analysis of the baseball pitch in EXS 397 Biomechanics. Our task was to determine a skill that we would like to research, and then go out and explore the research there is on that specific skill. After finding my resources, I combined them all together in such a way that I could write a literature review about them. In this review, I explored the various biomechanical concepts that apply to the baseball pitch and related them to skillful movement. This artifact satisfies Standard 1, Element 1.1 because in the literature review, I describe and apply biomechanical concepts related to skillful movement. The biomechanical processes that act upon a certain skill are very important to understanding the skill as a whole, and that is critical for error detection and correction as a teacher. Being able to apply biomechanics to a skill will make me a better teacher in the long run, because I could be able to identify errors in performance that someone who has no background in biomechanics could not. I could then use that same knowledge to assist a student or athlete in correcting that error, and taking another step closer to proficiency and skillful movement. 

Standard 1
Scientific and Theoretical Knowledge

Element 1.4: Identify historical, philosophical, and social perspectives of physical education issues and legislation.

Artifact: Blood Doping Ethical Dilemma Presentation

Date: Fall 2009
I prepared this presentation on blood doping as an ethical dilemma in sport today in EXS 410 Ethics in Sport. We were tasked with choosing an ethical dilemma in sport today, and researching it to get as much information from both sides as we could. We would then choose our position on the topic and defend it in a presentation. This artifact satisfies Standard 1, Element 1.4 because in this presentation, I am identifying and exploring the philosophical, social, and ethical issue, then giving my audience my position, a plan of action, and a final appeal to consider my argument. This presentation was incredibly important to my development as a teacher because of the insight I gained into philosophical, social, and ethical perspectives of physical education and sport. We as physical educators don’t just teach our students skills, we teach them cognitive concepts, viewpoints, and theories. Being able to analyze a dilemma in sport, choose my position, and defend it during a presentation, has prepared me to help my students do the same. I have gained insight into the philosophical, social, and ethical issues in sport that I never had before. I will use these insights to help my students discover their own insight into issues within sport and physical education.