Standard 3
Planning and Implementation
Element 3.6: Plan and implement progressive and sequential instruction that addresses the diverse needs of all students.
Artifact: Top-Down Plan: Overhand Throw Benchmarks, Sample Performance Outcomes, & Recommended Activities
Date: Spring 2010
Reflection: I created the this top-down plan from grade six to kindergarten in EDU 355 Physical Education Curriculum: Planning and Practice. The top-down plan includes benchmarks, sample performance outcomes, and recommended activities for each grade level. This artifact satisfies Standard 3, Element 3.6 because it is the planning and implementation of progressive and sequential instruction at the elementary school level. Top-down planning is the standard way to lay out benchmarks and sample performance outcomes, because the teacher is able to put what they want their students to be able to do when they move on to the next level of education. From that point, teachers can go down a grade and determine what each student at the next grade down should be able to do by the end of that grade year. Top-down plans like this one are the single best way to create a sequential, logically progressive set of benchmarks. This artifact has been incredibly important to my development as a teacher because creating a top-down plan for my students at the grade level I teach will be one of the first courses of action when I achieve employment as a physical educator. If I don’t set out what I want my students to be able to do at the end of each grade level, how can I plan and execute relevant, meaningful, appropriate instruction that will help my students towards achieving that benchmark or goal that I have set for them? Top-down planning has made me a much more well-rounded teacher, with the ability to set realistic goals and help my students achieve them.
Standard 3
Planning and Implementation
Element 3.5: Plan and adapt instruction for diverse student needs, adding specific accommodations and/or modifications for student exceptionalities.
Artifact: Individual Education Program
Date: Spring 2010
Reflection: I created this Individual Education Program in PED 356 Adapted Physical Education and Sport. It was written for one of the students I worked with who has been diagnosed with Down’s Syndrome. This artifact satisfies Standard 3, Element 3.5 because it is a plan to adapt instructional goals and methods for a student with a disability. The individual education program lays out the student’s disability and what implications it could have on his learning, and then proceeds to set goals for the students learning. It then goes through health, behavioral, and equipment concerns that could influence the learning process. Finally, the adaptations and modifications to the instructional process are laid out and described in detail. This plan is meant to set out adapted instruction that will adhere to a student’s specific needs. Since all students are different, this is a completely unique plan that would not necessarily be applicable to any other student. The fact that this artifact is planning and adapting instructional goals and methods to adhere to a student’s needs and set them up for success as much as possible makes it satisfy Standard 3, Element 3.5. This artifact has been a critical aspect of my development as a teacher. Throughout my career, I will work with many students who have disabilities. It is my job as a teacher to help them learn and succeed to the greatest extent possible. Writing an individual education program has given me the knowledge and experience I will need to assist is the process of writing these for students I work with in my future, and for that reason is invaluable to me as a teacher.